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CO Alert – Carbon Monoxide Detector


“CO Alert is a sophisticated Carbon Monoxide detector and alarm with audible and visual alerts as well as NMEA 2000 MFD integration.”

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FACT!  Carbon monoxide poisoning kills boaters every year. Odourless, tasteless and generated from incomplete combustion from engines, cookers, heaters, outboards, generators etc, it’s a real threat to boating safety.

The lethal nature of CO means every boat should be protected with a local alarm.  Of course, a typical household alarm could be installed but these have limitations for on board use.  They utilise an internal battery which will often expire when left for long periods of time – it’s all too easy to forget to replace with seasonal use on a boat.

What’s more, just a local alarm in a cabin with a crew member sleeping and the vessel underway with the noise of an engine is unlikely to be effective.

CO Alert from Digital Yacht is built for demanding, maritime environments plus has NMEA 2000 integration so alerts will pop up on the boat’s compatible MFD.

CO Alert creates a standard NMEA 2000 alert PGN which allows pop up alarms on compatible MFDs.  (At present, this functionality is best implemented by Garmin)

The system can also be expanded further with our NavAlert general purpose alert and monitoring device and our 4GX/5GX internet access systems.  With this combination, SMS messages can be generated for a CO Alert and sent to a remote phone.


  • Carbon monoxide detector and alarm with NMEA 2000 connectivity
  • Local, loud audio and visual alarms on activation (or fault)
  • NMEA 2000 pop up alerts on compatible MFDs
  • Multi cabin/detector options
  • Sophisticated internal algorithm detects high concentration as well as low concentration for long periods for maximum protection
  • Connects to NMEA 2000 bus
  • Ultra-low power consumption (<25mA)
Additional information
Weight 250 g
Manual and Downloads

CO Alert User Manual V1_01

595.07 KB

CO Alert Latest User Manual

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